Monday, October 6, 2014

20 Things You Should Know As A WCU Grad Student

1. Any questions regarding the admissions process can be handled in the Office of Graduate Studies. 

2. GSA offers conference reimbursements up to $500 for students 

3. GSA stands for the Graduate Student Association and it is the governing body of all the graduate students 

4. The Graduate Business Center (GBC) is home to students studying MPA, Counselor Education and Student Affairs, and MBA

5. South campus is for graduate students studying health disciplines 

6. You are able to use the recreation center as a graduate student. You are also able to utilize a free personal trainer. Simply email for the form.

7. We have a graduate student lounge provided by the GSA on the 5th floor of the library. Simply go to the front desk of the library with your student ID for the code.

8. If you have classes on main campus or if you have to go to main campus for anything before 4pm PLEASE allow yourself a substantial amount of time for parking. It is very limited on main campus.

9. Any questions regarding graduation can be directed to Rachel Kehl

10. The Office of Graduate Studies is no longer able to provide parking passes for students or faculty who visit main campus before 4pm.

11. You can eat anywhere on campus.

12. has a Graduate Studies Forms section on the site that has all the materials to drop a class, change your major, leave the university, etc.

13. Conference reimbursement papers should be handed in at the GSA office in Sykes Student Union (they have a mailbox if nobody is inside)

14. When you attend orientation it is a great opportunity to meet other graduate students, gain a multitude of information, and get your student ID for free!

15. We have a brand new graduate student branch of the Alumni Association. All graduate student alumni are encouraged to join. For more information contact Robert Marco at and check them out on Facebook

16. Please make sure you stay on top of deadlines for things such as drop/add period or when to apply for graduation. They are very important!

17. Most professors I’ve encountered are super helpful and as long as you ask for help, they are willing to assist.

18. GSA hosts 2 socials (1 in the fall and 1 in the spring) they are great ways to meet other graduate students, especially in other departments. They are also great fun and free food!

19. We now have a Philadelphia campus that offers programs in Criminal Justice, Special Education, Social Work, Grad Certification in Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology, and Graduate Business Certificate Program. To learn more, visit the website

20. Our Facebook page is a great place to stay up to date with “What’s Going On” at WCU