Well the Real World came up and bit me this week, just as the semester started no less. Haha. It's back to school, back to two jobs, and back to letting you all know how great West Chester is!
So I should probably start by giving myself a pat on the back. I did really, really well in my classes last semester. They were both a lot of hard work, but both extremely rewarding. I owe it all to the great professors I had. believe it or not, I really wish both classes extended into this semester so I could have both of them again. The other students in both of those classes were all very insightful and intelligent. Combined, the professors and students made for an excellent work environment.
Next, I want to let you all know that I will be discussing my PhD journey on here as well. I finally feel comfortable enough in my abilities to really start looking for programs to matriculate into in the fall of 2013. I did a lot of research over the break, sent a lot of emails and received a lot of great responses. So look forward to a bunch of anxiety ridden rants!! haha.
Finally, I would like to know if there is anything you all would like me to go over. Please leave comments so I know what you would like me to cover.
Thank you all!